A Study on the Methods of Cultivating Literacy in Secondary School History under Disciplinary Literacy

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i6.2222

Li Zhang

Yangtze Normal University


History is an important subject in junior high school, and learning a good history course is as important as other subjects. The study of history can help students gain an in-depth understanding of the origin and development of Chinese culture, which is of positive significance in expanding students' horizons and improving their comprehensive literacy. Subject literacy refers to the unique professional qualities that students develop during the study of a specific subject, and is closely related to their daily learning knowledge. This paper discusses the strategy of cultivating disciplinary literacy in junior high school history in the light of the specific connotation of disciplinary literacy, in the hope of helping students to better understand and master historical knowledge, and to perceive the heritage of Chinese culture, so as to lay a foundation for the future development of students.


disciplinary literacy, middle school history, comprehensive literacy, cultivation strategy


JGXTTZ2023104 Project title: Design and research of middle school history teaching APP based on ARCS motivation model Project Source: The Ministry of Education teacher cooperative quality improvement major school-level project


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