Research on the Optimization Path of Student Community Management under the Concept of “Three Comprehensive Education

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i6.2217

Cheng Peng

Beihua University


The country promotes comprehensive education, all-round education, and whole process education, advocates the concept of "people-oriented", and prepares students for comprehensive development. As an important place for college students to study and live, student communities meet the diverse development needs of university student work management services through a "one-stop" student community management model, providing assistance for the modernization and refinement of student work. Based on the concept of "three comprehensive education", this article first analyzes the problems in student community management, and then focuses on proposing some targeted optimization paths for reference.


"three comprehensive education", universities, student community management, path optimization


Project Name: Research on the Construction Path of "One-Stop" Student Community Comprehensive Management Model in Universities from the Perspective of "Three Comprehensive Education" (Project Number: JJKH20240059SZ).


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