Constructing the Civics of Fundamentals of Electronics Technology Course Based on OBE Concepts

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i6.2216

Huanhuan Zheng

Yulin University


Fundamentals of Electronic Technology is one of the main courses for computer science majors. On the basis of fully considering the academic situation of our students and the characteristics of local applied undergraduates who pay more attention to the system structure of "application-oriented" and "practice-oriented", we integrate the elements of Civic and Political Education into the classroom teaching content from the perspective of cultivating morality and educating people, and put forward the research of Civic and Political Education Program of Basic Electronic Technology Course under the concept of OBE. BOPPPS blended teaching of the "Fundamentals of Electronic Technology" course of the Civic and Political Education Program Research.


fundamentals of electronic technology, OBE, BOPPPS blended teaching, curriculum civic politics


Shaanxi Provincial Education Science "14th Five-Year Plan" Project (Research on Blended Teaching Mode of Mathematics and Electricity Courses under the Concept of OBE-CDIO in the Context of "New Engineering" SGH22Y1488)


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