Research on the Coupling and Coordination Effect of Higher Education and Scientific and Technological Innovation in Helping Port Economic Growth

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i6.2214

Aoyun Liu

School of Education Science, Yili Normal University/Xinjiang Port Economic Development and Management Research Center


Higher education and scientific and technological innovation are important contents to promote the high-quality and high-level development of technology and talent training, and in the specific activities, higher education and science and technology innovation cities play a role in promoting economic growth from different perspectives or levels. Especially under China’s “The Belt and Road” policy, the relationship between higher education, scientific and technological innovation and economic growth in 18 provinces and cities along the route can stimulate the ability of higher education talent training, scientific and technological research and social service, help promote the high-quality development of the region, and further improve the domestic and international cultural soft power. Therefore, by using the coupling and coordination effect analysis, this paper analyzes the content of higher education and scientific and technological innovation to help port economic growth, and puts forward relevant questions and suggestions, so that this study can provide reference value for the economic development of port cities and the application of higher education and scientific and technological innovation.


higher education, scientific and technological innovation, port economic growth, coupling coordination effect


Xinjiang Port Economic Development and Management Research Center Open Project Funding - "Research on Higher Education, Scientific and Technological Innovation Serving Port Economic Development and Coupling and Coordination Effect" (No. YSKAYB202308)


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