On the Impact of Multimedia Technology and the Integration of College Physical Education Curriculum on School Physical Education Teaching

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i6.2212

Jun Liu

School of Physical Education and Health Science, Yibin University


With the continuous deepening of educational reform, the application of multimedia technology in physical education teaching in universities is becoming increasingly widespread. Multimedia technology is an information processing, storage, and dissemination system based on computer networks, which includes a collection of various media such as text, graphics, images, animation, sound, etc. When applied to physical education teaching in universities, it is beneficial for students to understand and master the teaching content, improve their learning interest, and help them achieve efficient learning. The article mainly analyzes the current application status and necessity of multimedia technology in college physical education courses, and proposes integration measures between multimedia technology and college physical education courses.


multimedia technology, college sports, integration measures


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