Innovative Study of Ecological Teaching in the Teaching of Visual Communication Majors

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i6.2207

Min Huang

Yunnan University of Finance and Economics


This paper thoroughly studies the innovative application of ecological teaching in the teaching of visual communication majors. By analyzing the current situation and challenges of visual communication teaching, the concept of ecological teaching is introduced and the corresponding teaching mode is constructed. It integrates and optimizes teaching resources, innovates teaching methods and means, and improves teaching evaluation and feedback mechanisms. The results of the study show that ecological teaching significantly improves the teaching effect, promotes the improvement of students’ comprehensive quality and innovation ability, and promotes the reform and development of visual communication professional teaching. This paper provides useful exploration and practice for the innovation of visual communication professional teaching.


ecological teaching, visual communication, specialized teaching, innovative research


University-level Research Project-Teaching Research Project, Name: Innovative research on ecological teaching in the teaching of visual communication majors (2018C08)


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