The dilemma and countermeasures of rural elderly education under the background of intelligent education - based on the research and analysis of the rural elderly in J City

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i5.2168

Bin CHEN1, Yifei ZHANG2

1. Jinhua Open University
2. Nanchang Qingshanhu School


China is rapidly entering the aging society, and the vast number of rural elderly group pension problems have gradually become the focus of China's rural development. Vigorously developing rural education for the elderly is an inevitable choice to deal with the active aging. However, the exploration of rural education for the elderly in China is still in its initial stage, facing many problems. Based on this, this paper takes the rural elderly residents of J City as the research object, selects four representative villages in J City to investigate the rural elderly education situation, analyzes the development plight of rural elderly education in J City, and puts forward a series of countermeasures, in order to provide useful reference for solving the plight of rural elderly education in China.


rural education for the elderly; wisdom education; dilemma; countermeasures


Project No.: XKT2023Y24 Practical Research on the Construction of Digital Resources of Rural Elderly Education based on the Background of Smart Pension; FX2023193 Construction and Application of Adult English Wisdom Teaching Mode Based on BOPPPS.


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Copyright © 2024 Bin CHEN, Yifei ZHANG

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