Exploring the integration of physics education and sustainable development education: resource utilization and environmental awareness cultivation

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i5.2148


Chongqing Three Gorges University


This article explores the role of physics education in resource utilization and environmental awareness cultivation, as well as the integration strategy with sustainable development education. Physics education enables students to gain a deeper understanding of the processes of energy generation, transformation, and utilization through experiments, observation, and exploration, thereby enhancing their understanding of resources. At the same time, physics education can also cultivate students' environmental awareness through case analysis and practical activities, emphasizing interdisciplinary cooperation and action practice. The integration of physics education and sustainable development education contributes to sustainable development education, cultivating students' environmental awareness, sustainable development values, and scientific literacy, making them citizens with sustainable development thinking and action abilities. Therefore, the integration of physics education and sustainable development education can help shape a more sustainable future.


physics education; resource utilization; environmental awareness


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