Research on practice teaching system of embedded system based on the cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial ability

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i5.2141

Yunhe ZOU1, Jianxin WU1, Yuezheng LAN1, Lulu LIU2, Xin WANG1

1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Technology
2. Center for Teaching Advancement and Faculty Development, Inner Mongolia University of Technology


Effectively carrying out practice teaching based on the cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial ability is helpful to concretize abstract theoretical knowledge, and is also of great value to stimulate students' interest in learning and improve their comprehensive ability. At present, the practice teaching of embedded system is closely related to the development of many emerging industries. Therefore, in order to ensure the teaching effect of embedded system, it is necessary to strengthen the analysis of the practice teaching system of embedded system based on the cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial ability.


cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial ability; embedded system; teaching points; practice teaching system


The Chinese Ministry of Education's University-Industry Collaborative Education program "Construction of AI+Intelligent Vision Laboratory" (202101320008)


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Copyright © 2024 Yunhe ZOU, Jianxin WU, Yuezheng LAN, Lulu LIU, Xin WANG

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