Research on the construction and development of ideological and political education in college physical education courses

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i5.2139

Zhe WANG, Zichen WANG

School of Sports Economics and Management, Central University of Finance and Economics


Ideological and political education within physical education courses is an educational philosophy that unifies physical courses with ideological and political theory education. It achieves a synergistic effect by helping students to strengthen their physique and temper their will through physical education, while also cultivating an unyielding and tenacious spirit through ideological and political education. However, current college physical education courses face several challenges, including the need for improved interdisciplinary integration, a lack of ideological and political education goals in course objectives, insufficient integration of ideological elements and educational resources, and some physical education teachers' inadequate ability to carry out ideological and political education within their courses. To promote the integration of ideological and political content with physical education teaching, harmonize teacher quality and ideological and political mission, and balance the breadth of ideological and political education with the effectiveness of moral and ethical cultivation, it is important to focus on improving teaching design and overall planning, innovating teaching methods and carriers, enhancing the professionalism of the teaching team and their capabilities, and establishing a multidisciplinary teaching cooperation and incentive system.


physical education; ideological and political education; curriculum construction


Central University of Finance and Economics Education Reform Fund 2022 annual funding project. Project number: 2022ZXJG22.


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