Red culture education under ideological leadership: a study on the integration with school physical education models

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i5.2023

Wen LI

School of Public Basic Education, Yunnan Open University


This study explores the integration of red culture education within the framework of school physical education under ideological guidance. Red culture, rooted in the history and ethos of the Communist Party of China, is examined for its educational implications and significance. The fusion of this cultural heritage with physical education is theorized as a holistic approach to student development, encompassing physical, moral, and social dimensions. Practical case studies demonstrate the effective implementation of this integrated model, highlighting its impact on student well-being and the cultivation of values like teamwork and resilience. Additionally, the study delves into the specific context of vocational college students, analyzing adaptability and proposing tailored implementation strategies. The research underscores the importance of innovative methodologies and continuous optimization in evolving educational landscapes, concluding that such integration significantly contributes to shaping well-rounded individuals equipped for contemporary societal challenges.


red culture education; school physical education; ideological leadership; holistic development; vocational education; integration and innovation


Fund Project: Supported by the Science Research Fund of Yunnan Provincial Department of Education, Project Number: 2003J2100.


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