A Report on the C-E Translation of Yatai Group Corporate Brochure

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2100

Min Wang, Ruimin Wang

Inner Mongolia University of Technolog


This is a report on the C-E translation of Yatai Group Corporate Brochure. The source text belongs to international publicity text, focuses on the information function with a lot of data and achievements.[1] Features with: many enterprise slogan and award name; Multi-VP sentences, no-subject sentences. Under the guidance of the Vermeer’s skopos theory, the author illustrated the translation process. From lexical level and syntax level, examples were given to show translation skills-amplification, omission, conversion, division and combination. Enterprise international publicity translation plays an important role in propaganda. Good translation helps enterprises to enter the international market smoothly. It is hoped that this translation can provide reference for the translation practice of similar texts.


international publicity, skopos theory, domestication, foreignization


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