Exploring the Construction and Application of the Blended Teaching Mode in College English

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2098

Rongjing Meng

Dianchi College of Yunnan University


In recent years, along with the updating and upgrading of educational technology, blended tea ching has become one of the mainstream modes in college English teaching. Blended teaching mode successfully integrates the essence of traditional teaching into modern teaching, and brings different experiences and feelings for both English teachers and students. At the present stage, college English teaching is paying more and more attention to the application of blended teaching mode, and has gradually explored more specific implementation methods suitable for the actual learning situation, which plays an irreplaceable and important role in improving the overall quality of English teaching. Based on college English teaching, this paper will explore the construction and application of blended teaching mode through in-depth analysis and research.


college English, blended teaching mode, construction and application


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