A Comparative Study of Language Teaching Methods

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2097

Yin Zhang

Hubei Business College, School of Foreign Languages,


Language teaching method is a subject that studies second language teaching practice and teaching theories. In this essay,there are mainly three language teaching methods. In general, the grammar-translation method concentrates more on grammatical structures in written texts and is still used widely in different countries for a second language learning. The audio-lingual method, however, focuses on listening and speaking skills in dialogues or conversations which requires mass memorization and mimicry with grammar as a hidden root. As for the communicative approach which is most popular in the current language teaching, the grammar is second to communicative ability to which is attached great importance and there is no systematic teaching of grammar.


grammar-translation method, audio-lingual method, communicative approach


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