Research on Application Strategies of "Growth Bank System" in Junior High School Class Management

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2096

Lanjie Ma

Qidong Qidi Foreign Language School


The application of class growth bank in classroom management can improve classroom management and enhance students’ ability to manage themselves in school. As the most important person in classroom management in junior high school is the class teacher, the class teacher is not only the organizer of the class, but also the manager of the class. He/She is not only responsible for teaching and educating people, but also responsible for improving the students’ ideology and morality. The junior high school stage is an important period for students to grow up, and their physical and mental development is extremely vigorous, and all the behaviors and habits developed during this period have a positive and profound influence on students’ future development.The behavioral habits developed during this period have a positive and profound impact on students’ future development. Therefore, this paper will focus on the practical application of the class growth bank system in junior high school class management.Therefore, this paper will focus on exploring the practical application of classroom growth bank system in junior high school classroom management.


growth bank, junior high school, classroom management, application practice


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