A Study on the Influence of Hollywood Films on the Values of College Students in Ethnic Areas in the Context of Chinese Culture Confidence

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2094

Yufen Wang

School of Languages and Cultures, Chuxiong Normal University


Confidence in Chinese civilization, as a core viewpoint of present-day Chinese society, profoundly shapes the teaching of colleges and universities as well as the development of college students. This study takes Hollywood, the giant of the American film industry, as a starting point to analyse in depth its effect on the cultural self-confidence of Chinese university students of all nationalities. Through a thorough exploration of the wide circulation of Hollywood films, the absorption level of the university community, and the possible elements of the effect, and by integrating the viewpoints of media and civilization inheritance, this study reveals the ways and mechanisms through which Hollywood films have an impact on the moral concepts of students in higher education. The study reveals that the cultural dissemination of Hollywood films has, to a certain extent, impacted on traditional cultural identity, but at the same time, it has opened up the possibility of fostering a global perspective among university students.


Chinese cultural confidence, Hollywood films, college students’ values, cultural communication theory


Scientific Research Fund Project of Yunnan Education Department A Research on the Influence of Hollywood Movies on the Values of College Students in Ethnic Areas under the Background of Chinese Cultural Confidence (2024J0987)


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