A Study of Psychological Presentation and Intervention in Child Development through Graffiti Art

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2092

Zonglong Yang

Jining Normal University


In recent years, with further research in child psychology, the importance of graffiti art for children’s trauma repair and psychological rehabilitation has been gradually recognized. However, there are still many problems to be solved in terms of how to use graffiti to implement psychological intervention for children and how to recognize the symbolic meanings embedded in graffiti. In addition, parents and teachers often do not have sufficient knowledge and skills to effectively guide children to use graffiti to express their feelings and resolve their worries. Therefore, how to use graffiti art to achieve children’s trauma repair and psychological rehabilitation has become an important work that can be explored and researched in the field of child psychology.


graffiti art, children’s trauma repair, psychological rehabilitation


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