Enhancing the Quality of Artistic Talent Cultivation with "Student Value-added" as the Core Pursuit

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2090

Yong Li

Changji University


With the deepening reform of the education system, higher requirements have been put forward in higher education. Talent is especially crucial to the development of the country, and talents from all walks of life work together to guide their respective fields towards a new journey. As one of the many professional talents, art talents carry the important cultural value of our country and guide the development of the cultural field. In the past, the traditional cultivation method was often criticized by people, and improving the quality of art talent cultivation education has become a widely discussed topic. This paper will focus on the "student value-added" as the core pursuit, through the core pursuit of student value-added, the importance of improving the quality of art talent training and strategies to explain how to improve the quality of talent training.


student value-added, artistic talents, quality, cultivation


The third batch of first-class undergraduate courses at the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region level, "Cinema 4D Software" (a mixed online and offline first-class course); "Cinema 4D Software" (a blended online and offline first-class course) will be a firs


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