A Study on the Relationship between University Education Facilities and Response Methods with Academic Performance

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2089

Yangjing Gao1, Wei Sun2

1. Manila City University
2. Jinzhong University


With the progress of society and the development of science and technology, the facilities of university education and the way of college students’ coping have changed drastically. The Ministry of Education of China, in order to implement the spirit of the National Education Conference, standardize and strengthen the construction and management of major scientific and technological infrastructures in colleges and universities, and further improve the quality and level of construction, so as to provide college students with a variety of channels for exercising their comprehensive abilities, has formulated the Measures for the Management of the Construction of National Major Scientific and Technological Infrastructures in Colleges and Universities (Provisional). The purpose of this paper is to explore the characteristics of university education facilities and the type of university education response to the relationship between students’ academic performance. It is hoped that it can help college students to make good use of these facilities on campus to improve their academic performance and choose suitable coping styles to spend their four years of college life efficiently and well.


university educational facilities, university coping styles, academic performance


This paper is the phased achievement of Jinzhong University’s teaching reform project in 2023. "Exploration on the Teaching Reform of Art Therapy Integrating into College Public Courses" (Project No.: JG2023-23)


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