Research on Foreign Translation Strategies and Communication Effects of the Deeds of Third Line Construction Characters

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2087

Chunliang Liu

Panzhihua University


During the period of third-line construction, many heroic figures devoted themselves to dedicate their youth, they are indifferent to fame and fortune, without complaint, with their own heart to serve the motherland, the spirit in them is the treasure of Chinese culture, the heroes of the third-line construction are the frontrunners of that era, they are the merit of the Republic. Through the external translation of the deeds of the characters of the third-line construction, it can let more countries understand the third-line construction and the great spirit of the times in China. This paper analyses and researches the foreign translation strategy and the communication effect of the deeds of the characters of the third-line construction.


third-line construction, character deeds, foreign translation strategy


Sichuan Third Frontier Construction Research Centre ,Project : Study on the foreign translation of the heroic deeds of the third line construction (SXP22-32)


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