The Construction of the Evaluation Index System of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in Polytechnic Colleges

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2086

Mei Ge

Shenzhen Polytechnic University;City University of Macau


In the new era of innovation-driven development, innovation and entrepreneurship ability has become the basic quality for college students to enter the society. Polytechnic colleges are the cradle of the training of comprehensive quality talents, so we must pay more attention to the education and cultivation of innovation and entrepreneurship ability. Therefore, the establishment of a CIPP education evaluation model that permeates and evaluates in the four aspects of background and demand, resource allocation, education implementation and achievement feedback has become an important reference index for the reform and development of innovation and entrepreneurship education in application-oriented undergraduate universities.


CIPP model, innovation and entrepreneurship education, evaluation index system


2019 Shenzhen Education Science Planning and Research Project "Evaluation research on innovation and entrepreneurship education based on the CIPP model"


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