A Study of Chu Teh-Chun’s Abstract Paintings from the Perspective of East-West Integration

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2079

Lian Jin, Kexin Wang

School of Art, Zhejiang Normal University


Chu Teh-chun is an outstanding abstract artist of the twentieth century and the first member of the Académie française of Chinese descent since the establishment of the academy. His abstract paintings are full of brilliant colors and beautiful melodies, and are filled with a poetic aura, and his works show a kind of oriental imagery that transcends the objective world, which is regarded as a "perfect fusion of the subtlety of oriental art with the richness of western painting". He has been described as "a perfect blend of the subtlety of oriental art and the richness of western painting". He travelled to Paris in 1955, when Western modernist art was in full bloom, and through continuous exploration, his painting style changed from figurative to abstract. Later on, in the process of exploring abstract painting, he incorporated the cultural spirit of the East and created abstract paintings with oriental connotations. His abstract paintings use the compositional forms of Western modern painting and the colour techniques of oil painting, blended with the charm of traditional Chinese painting, to create a painting space with changing colors, powerful brush strokes, and a sense of rhythm and light. His abstract paintings are the result of a high degree of fusion of Chinese and Western artistic spirit.


Chu teh-chun, integration of Chinese and western cultures, abstract painting


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