An Introduction to David Hockney’s Photographic Collages

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2077

Shixin Sun, Jin Lin

School of Art, Zhejiang Normal University


In the ranks of British artists, David Hockney is regarded as one of the most influential and artistically individualized art creators, with an irreplaceable artistic status in the field of contemporary art. In his lifelong journey in pursuit of art, he explored his own artistic language, and he introduced the artistic concepts of naturalism, liberalism and pluralism into his paintings, creating works of art that bring a strong aesthetic experience to the viewers. Hockney’s paintings are mostly presented in bright colors, using intuitive color expressions to communicate with the viewer's senses, and with his unique observation and collage techniques, making the images interesting and storytelling. To the viewer, through Hockney’s paintings, one can penetrate into his heart and observe the waves of his inner world. Influenced by early Picasso’s Cubism, Hockney likes to use the camera to photograph a part of an object and then reorganize it, so as to express special spatial information. This photographic collage technique had a great artistic influence at that time, and this influence still exists today.


David Hockney, photography collage, painting language


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