A Study of the Translation and Influence of Tang Poetry in Nineteenth-Century France

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2076

Yun Zhang

School of Foreign Languages, Hunan Institute of Engineering


This article provides an in-depth discussion of the translation of Tang poetry in France in the nineteenth century and the wide-ranging impact it had. The study first outlines the historical background of the spread of Tang poetry in France, and then analyses in detail the key players in the translation process, the translation strategies employed, and the reception and dissemination of the translations in France. In addition, the paper also focuses on the far-reaching impact of the translation of Tang poetry on French literature, culture and social trends, thus revealing the important role of cultural exchange in promoting mutual understanding between China and France.


French translation of Tang poetry, 19th century, France, translation and influence


This article is a phased research achievement of the Excellent Youth Research Project Fund of the Hunan Provincial Department of Education, titled "Research on the Translation and Influence of Tang Poetry in 19th Century France from the Perspective of So


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