The Impact of Emotion Regulation Strategies on Brain Plasticity in Adolescents

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2075

Yuewen Qin, Xue Guo

Lancaster University, Lancaster UK LA11DN


The present study aims to explore the complex relationship between emotion regulation strategies, brain plasticity and cognitive development in adolescents. Specifically, it aims to reveal how different strategies, such as cognitive reappraisal, inhibition, and acceptance, affect the development of key brain regions associated with emotion processing. The research methodology used a longitudinal approach over two years involving a diverse group of adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18. Utilizing surveys, questionnaires and neuroimaging techniques, the study aimed to assess emotion regulation strategies and observe changes in brain activity and structure over time. Considering factors such as age, gender, and socioeconomic status, the study addresses questions about demographic differences in the effects of emotion regulation. In addition, the study examines the role of environmental factors in the formation of emotion regulation strategies and their impact on brain plasticity. Standardized tests will assess cognitive functioning and emotional health. Statistical analyses, including repeated measures ANOVA and correlation/regression analyses, will identify changes in brain development associated with different emotion regulation strategies. This study promises to provide a detailed examination of the subtle interactions between emotion regulation strategies and brain development in adolescents. Findings are intended to inform targeted interventions and educational strategies to promote healthy emotional and cognitive development at this critical life stage.


emotion regulation, brain plasticity, cognitive development, longitudinal study


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