Research on the Path of Enhancing the Quality and Effectiveness of Civics Classes in Private Colleges and Universities under the Environment of Media Convergence

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2073

Ke Wang

School of Marxism, Geely University of Chin


In the milieu of media convergence, elevating the teaching quality and efficacy of ideological and political theory courses in private colleges presents a challenging endeavor. Confronted with the novel demands that the era of new media imposes on education, private institutions of higher learning must align with the current of the times and undertake innovative reforms in their politico-ideological curricula. Presently, the pedagogy of such courses at private colleges is beset with various issues that necessitate refinement - ranging from content and methodology to assessment and the cultivation of the teaching cadre. This demands a multifaceted approach: refreshing the curricular content, revolutionizing teaching methodologies, renovating assessment techniques, and fortifying the instructor cohort, all in a bid to meet the developmental requisites of the new media age. This study aims to explore potential avenues for enhancing the quality and impact of ideological and political education in private colleges amidst this context, thereby fostering the healthy progression of the field.


media convergence, private colleges and universities, civics class, quality and effectiveness


2023 Research Project of The Sichuan Association for Non-Government Education; A Study on the Supply Side Reform Path of Ideological and Political Courses in Private Universities in the Era of Media Convergence: A Case Study of the Basic Principles of Mar


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