Exploration and Practice of Innovative Talent Cultivation Mode of International Economics and Trade for Digital Economy

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2071

Wenting Yang

college of arts and science Kunming


The arrival of the digital economy era makes the Internet industry flourish, which brings new challenges and opportunities for the international economy and trade industry. However, at present, there are certain problems in the cultivation of international economy and trade talents in China’s colleges and universities, which can not meet the needs of society. Thus, it is constructive and realistic to explore and practice the innovative talent cultivation mode of international economy and trade for the digital economy. This paper analyses and reflects on the current situation of international economic and trade innovative talents training under the digital economy, the ability that innovative talents should have, and puts forward several suggestions in a targeted manner.


digital economy, international economy and trade, innovative talents


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