An Analysis of the Path of Colleges and Universities to Enhance Students’ International Competitiveness from the Perspective of "Three-pronged" Education

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2069

Qingling Shang

Communication University of china, Nanjing


The world today is undergoing major changes unseen in a century, and the adjustment of the international order and the reform of international relations have brought new challenges. The talent training system of colleges and universities involves the discipline system, teaching system, textbook system, management system, etc., and the ideological and political work system runs through it, which means that the ideological and political work of colleges and universities must continuously enhance the ability to cope with both internal and external pressures and tests. In the process of China’s active integration into the world, there is an urgent need for a group of international talents with firm ideals and beliefs, ardent feelings for the family and country, broad international vision, as well as international competitiveness and global competence, who can show a good image on behalf of contemporary Chinese college students on the world stage. Colleges and universities should make efforts to enhance the international competitiveness of students, actively respond to practical difficulties, strive to explore basic strategies, build a perfect "three-pronged education" system, and cultivate international talents who can tell Chinese stories well and spread Chinese voices.


"three-pronged" education, international competitiveness, enhancement


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[2] Liu Run, Wang Xiaoli, Exploration and Practice of the Work Path and Mechanism of "Three Comprehensive Education" in Colleges and Universities, Ideological Education Research. 2020; 6: 117-118.

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