The Practice of PBL Teaching Mode in Teaching Whole Book Reading in Primary Schools

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2068

Ying Cui

Chuanchanghe Primary School


The innovation of the unified textbook is to include the reading of whole books in the classroom, but this paper has sorted out the current situation of whole book reading in schools through questionnaires and interviews, and found that students are not motivated to read whole books and tend to be utilitarian, and at the same time, teachers lack a proper guidance and evaluation system for whole book reading. Based on these findings, this paper has analyzed the feasibility of the PBL (Problem Driven Learning) teaching model and tried to integrate this teaching model into whole book reading teaching. Learning) teaching model and tried to integrate this teaching model into whole book reading teaching. The aim is to cultivate students’ whole-book reading habits and abilities, and to comprehensively improve students’ core literacy.


whole book reading, current situation, PBL teaching mode, teaching practice, case study


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