Exploring the Path of English Classroom Teaching in Colleges and Universities under the Perspective of Information Ecology

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2066

Qi Liu, Yijin Wang

Qingdao City University


This article discusses the information ecology perspective and proposes strategies to address the three major challenges to English classroom teaching in colleges and universities: uneven integration and application of technology, variability in student engagement and motivation, and lagging behind in the updating of teaching methods and content. The article first analyses the importance of promoting the deep integration of technology and teaching, and creating immersive learning environments through the introduction of technologies such as virtual reality, in order to enhance teaching and learning. Next, it discusses the necessity of constructing personalized learning paths and using adaptive learning platforms to meet students’ individual needs, thereby enhancing learning motivation. Finally, the article advocates updating the teaching content and methods to enhance students’ practical application and intercultural communication skills through innovative pedagogies such as project-based learning. These strategies aim to respond to the new requirements of the information age, improve the quality of English teaching, and cultivate globally competitive talents.


information ecology perspective, college English, classroom teaching, teaching strategy


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