Exploring the Pathway of Family Education: Insights from the Marital and Reproductive Values of University Students in China

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2064

Chao Zhang

School of Chinese Studies, Zhejiang International Studies University


This study examines the formation of marital and reproductive attitudes among university students in light of diverse societal influences and changing cultural norms. Drawing on existing research, a shift towards individual values such as personal growth and emotional companionship over traditional familial obligations, influenced by factors including family background, educational experiences, societal norms, and cultural influences was revealed. Notably, a gender disparity exists, with female students exhibiting lower willingness towards marriage and childbirth. Thus, gender perspectives are crucial in educational interventions. Additionally, online platforms like anime and web novels complicate attitudes, necessitating multifaceted educational strategies. Efforts in marital and reproductive education should focus on longitudinal and systematic programs integrating values education across curricula levels. Personalized strategies addressing diverse student needs and gender-specific concerns are essential. This study highlights the complexity of shaping marital and reproductive attitudes among university students and underscores the importance of targeted strategies informed by individual, societal, and cultural factors.


marital attitudes, reproductive attitudes, university students, educational interventions


This paper is the result of the 2024 Annual Project of Zhejiang Education Science Planning (Higher Institutions) "Research on the Construction of Marital and Reproductive Values among University Students in Zhejiang Province and the Development of Marriag


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