The Study of Teaching Methods for the Fundamentals of Composition Course Based on Virtual Reality Project Development

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2063

Bingqian Zheng

Zhejiang college of Security Technology


In the context of today’s rapidly developing technology, the application fields of virtual reality technology are becoming increasingly wide, making the cultivation of professionals who master the knowledge and skills in this field a common demand of both the educational and industrial sectors. Fundamentals of Composition is a core foundational course aimed at serving the development of virtual reality projects and a required course for those engaged in technical art positions. Therefore, in cultivating such professional skill-oriented talents, it is necessary to emphasize not only basic vocational qualities and professional theoretical knowledge but also to integrate the actual needs of virtual reality project development in the teaching process, preparing college students for a smooth transition to society and readiness for their professional roles.


virtual reality, fundamentals of composition, talent cultivation, teaching methods


Achievements of the 2022 Zhejiang college of Security Technology Teaching Reform Research Project (Project Number: JG202206)


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