On the Significance and Use of National Defense Education in the Teaching and Training Tools of Domestic Light Weapons

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2062

Anbo Yang1, Tiannan Fan2, Linkun Niu3, Zhiming Li4, Shi Xiang5

1. School of Marxism, Yunnan Agricultural University
2. Yunnan Police Colleg
3. School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
4. School of Resources and Environment, Yunnan Agricultural University
5. School of Liberal Arts, Yunnan Normal University


In recent years, with the promotion of national defense education in our country, the demand for water bomb teaching and training equipment and its extended toys is constantly increasing. However, the traditional water bomb teaching and training equipment has some limitations, which limit its application in education. Therefore, this study aims to study and design a water bomb teaching and training appliance and its extension toys referring to the shape of domestic small and light weapons to meet the needs of national defense education. This paper used the literature data method and the experimental method to study and design the literature data method and the experiment method. Through the analysis and induction of water teaching training equipment and extension toys, combined with the practical experience of this study, designed a new type of reference domestic light weapon shape of water teaching training equipment and its extension toys the study design reference domestic light weapon shape of water teaching training equipment and its extension toy has high application value and promotion significance. In the future, its application in national defense education can be further explored to improve the teaching means and practical effect of national defense education.


domestic light weapons, water balloon training, extended toys, national defense education, significance


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Copyright © 2024 Anbo Yang, Tiannan Fan, Linkun Niu, Zhiming Li, Shi Xiang

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