Perspectives on Academic Backwardness of Boys in Rural Elementary School

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2058

Qiang Lan, Hongji Jiang, Dawen Liang

Guangxi Science & Technology Normal University


Rural revitalization and modernization require a large pool of talents, especially the participation of outstanding males, while the phenomenon of boys in rural elementary school lagging behind academically and having difficulties at the starting line is more obvious, forming a backwardness and defacto inequality in education in primary education and subsequent stages of education, which will inevitably affect the stability and healthy development of society in the future. In order to better enable boys to build up their confidence, give full play to their strengths, guide them to correct values and aesthetics, and realize the balanced development of men and women. Based on previous studies, we analyze the situation of boys’ academic backwardness, grasp and clarify the reasons for backwardness, start from the boys’ personal, other people’s and environment aspects, think about the problems with psychology and pedagogy, focus on the school education perspective to put forward the solution ideas, start from the boys’ academic backwardness phenomenon, raise the boys’ awareness of their own progress, and ultimately form a male and female common progress, and promote the better and more rapid development of rural elementary school. The final result is that both sexes will make progress together and promote the better and faster development of rural primary schools.


academic backwardness, boys, rural elementary school


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