A Visual Analysis of Stance Markers Research in China and Abroad Based on Citespace

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2055

Mengxue Wang1, Li Liu2

1. Xi’an Polytechnic University
2. Xi’an Polytechnic UniversityA Visual Analysis of Stance Markers Research in China and Abroad Based on Citespace


As an important linguistic phenomenon, stance markers have received extensive attention from scholars at home and abroad, in which authors can express their personal views and attitudes. Based on articles from CNKI and Web of Science, this paper presents comprehensive developments of the studies of stance markers between home and abroad from 2013 to 2022 with the help of Citespace visualization technology and bibliometric analysis method. The findings are as follows: 1) Domestic research is relatively scattered, and the research field is relatively broad. Foreign research fields are clear and more mature. 2) Domestic research is relatively scattered, and the research field is relatively broad; while the research field and evolution of foreign countries are clearer and more mature.


stance markers, citespace, visual analysis


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