Research on the Role Change and Professional Development Path of University Foreign Language Teachers in the Intelligent Background

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2053

Dongxia Zhang

Jining Normal University


The purpose of this paper is to explore the role change of university foreign language teachers and their professional development path in the context of intelligence. By analyzing the impact of intelligent technology on the field of education, this paper evolves the roles of foreign language teachers into four aspects: "interest stimulator", "ability cultivator", "spiritual communicator" and "educational researcher". "Educational researcher". At the same time, in order to improve the professional competence of university foreign language teachers, this paper proposes effective development paths, including the skillful application of intelligent learning software and tools, the mastery of cutting-edge development trends in English education, and the cultivation of innovative spirit and adaptability. By studying these aspects, this paper aims to provide theoretical guidance for university foreign language teachers to better adapt to the educational environment and improve their teaching level in the intelligent era.


intelligent context, foreign language teachers, role change, professional development path, teaching level


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