Research on the Cultivation and Enhancement Strategies of University Foreign Language Teachers’ Professional Literacy in the Intelligent Background

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2052

Yanmei Yu

Jining Normal University


In order to better cultivate the professionalism of university foreign language teachers, teachers can be evaluated in an all-round and multi-angle way by regularly organizing teachers to observe and evaluate each other’s classes, as well as by carrying out teachers’ teaching evaluation work, so as to find out the problems and correct and improve them in time. Teachers’ files and teaching case banks are set up so that teachers can share successful teaching cases and cultivate their sense of teaching innovation and practical ability. Encourage teachers to actively participate in academic conferences and seminars at home and abroad to understand the latest academic developments, broaden their teaching horizons and improve their academic level. Establish a mechanism for teachers to help each other, encourage teachers to exchange teaching experience and resources with each other, improve their teaching level together, and maximize their teaching achievements.


intelligent context, university foreign language teachers, professionalism, development and enhancement strategies, interdisciplinary cooperation


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