Research and Enlightenment of the Unified Compilation of Three Subjects under the Soul Casting Project—Take the Story of Du Fuguo, a demining hero as an example

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i4.2050

Wenqing Dong1, Linshan Bao2

1. Guangxi University for Nationalities
2. School of Culture and Media, Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences


In today's era, the reform and innovation of education have become the key to the development of education in China. Therefore, exploring new educational methods and means has become one of the important tasks of China's education industry This article will take the material of the three major families’ unified textbook Soul Casting Project as the research object, providing reference and inspiration for the implementation of the Soul Casting Project. At the same time, it will propose certain material strategies and methods, and provide guidance and reference for future development, promoting the development of China’s education industry.


demining hero, unified compilation of three subjects, selection of materials


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