Research on integrating fine traditional Chinese culture into ideological and political education in vocational colleges

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i3.2015


Inner Mongolia Vocational College of Chemical Engineering


China's spiritual treasures are rich in high-quality ideological and political education factors, which are precisely our excellent traditional culture. In order to continue to promote the dissemination and development of Chinese culture and improve the effect of ideological and political education, vocational colleges must pay attention to and explore how to deeply integrate the excellent traditional Chinese culture into the ideological and political education curriculum. For vocational colleges, it is of key significance to study the current situation of the integration of the two. Schools should have a clear understanding of the necessity to integrate the essence of Chinese traditional culture into ideological and political education, and it is necessary to find the right entry point, intensify efforts, and implement more concrete and practical action plans, so as to ensure that the excellent traditional Chinese culture can be deeply rooted in the practice of ideological and political education, and ultimately achieve the intended educational purpose.


fine traditional Chinese culture; ideological and political education; vocational college


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