An Analysis of Teacher’s Ethics Construction in Private Undergraduate Art College——Based on the Standards of Big Master in the New Era

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2733

Jing Chen

Communication University of China, Nanjing


Private undergraduate art colleges are important bases for cultivating artistic professionals with both moral and artistic qualities. The level of teacher ethics plays a crucial role in cultivating students' ideological qualities and aesthetic abilities. The philosophy of Master is an important guide for the professional development of teachers in the new era. According to the Master's standard, some private art undergraduate colleges need to improve their self-cultivation. In this regard, private art undergraduate colleges should strengthen ideological and political learning, improve the system of teacher ethics construction, innovate the practical forms of teacher ethics construction, and create an image of Masters with artistic characteristics, so as to build a strong country through education.


master standards, private undergraduate art colleges, teacher’s ethics construction


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