A Study on the Teaching Reform of Korea Language in Applied Colleges and Universities Based on the Concept of "Curriculum Ideology and Politics"

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2731

Li Wang

Communication University of China, Nanjing


With the enhancement of China's international influence and the in-depth development of foreign cultural exchanges, the demand for intercultural communication talents is increasing. As an important platform for foreign cultural exchanges, the reform of "curriculum ideology and politics" is particularly crucial. Under the guidance of the concept of "ideological and political education in the curriculum", the ideological and political education effect of Korean language courses can be effectively improved through the rational design of course content and the improvement of teaching methods, and the organic combination of knowledge transfer and value guidance can be realized. This can not only guide students to establish and enhance their cultural awareness and cultural confidence in their mother tongue, but also cultivate socialism builders and successors who have both professional ability and correct values.


"curriculum ideology and politics", Korean language teaching, cultural awareness, cultural confidence, Chinese cultural aphasia


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