Research on the Career Planning Strategy of Social Work Undergraduates in Local Colleges and Universities

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2725

Chao Dou, Na Yang

Yuxi Normal University


In recent years, the social work major has trained more and more applied talents engaged in social service and management, and has become an important force in modern social management and service. However, in the survey, it is found that social work undergraduates not only generally lack the awareness and ability of career planning, but also have certain ambiguity in self-cognition and career orientation. In view of the above problems, this paper proposes strategies such as strengthening the career planning education system to enhance self-cognition and career positioning ability, strengthening professional cognition and professional identity education to build a diversified career development path, so as to promote the improvement of students' professional quality, strengthen the connection between social work professional knowledge and professional ability and employment skills, and integrating social organization career management with individual career management combining with the level of local economic development.


career planning, social work, education, local colleges and universities


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