On the "Poetry Education" Value of the Gentleman's Cultivation Concept in The Book of Poetry for Contemporary College Students

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2721

Linxi Bao

Shaoxing University Yuanpei College


The Book of Poetry, from its inception to the beginning of its collection, had always been the basic strategy for governing the country in the Zhou Dynasty, with respect and kinship becoming the most basic requirements for literati in terms of etiquette norms. In the process of studying the Book of Poetry, it was found that many of its contents have provided explanations and descriptions of the "gentleman". Taking the image of the gentleman in works such as Duke Wu of Wei as an example, the commonalities between them are extracted. Based on the thoughts of the CPC in excellent traditional Chinese culture and expectations for young people, the excellent cultural connotations in the Book of Poetry are deeply explored, and the reference value of this for the construction of contemporary spiritual civilization, moral education, and the cultivation of excellent personality is analyzed in order to play the "poetry education" function of the Book of Poetry.


Book of Poetry, poetry education, college student, cultivation concept


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