On the Application of Multiple Thinking in the Teaching of Drama, Film and Television Performance in Colleges and Universities

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2719

Yang Ma

Communication University of China, Nanjing


In the process of implementing drama, film, and television performance teaching activities in colleges and universities, the traditional teaching methods of drama, film, and television performance can no longer meet the actual needs of classroom activities. Teachers are required to apply diversified thinking teaching forms in the classroom to ensure that the main position of drama, film, and television performance majors can be highlighted, and students can fully understand such teaching activities from a deep perspective and further expand their learning horizons. Under the guidance of the multi-thinking teaching method, it has been recognized and paid attention to by most teachers and students, which shows the advantages and utility of multi-thinking expanding teaching mode, thus obtaining better teaching effect and promoting the full reform of drama, film and television performance teaching system in colleges and universities, therefore making classroom teaching activities show the characteristics of science and advancement.


colleges and universities, drama, film and television performances, multiple thinking, teaching activities, specific application


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