The Significance of 'Happiness Education' in Middle Schools in China

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2718

Juan Ren, Muhantha Paramalingam

Department of education, Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities, Lincoln University College (LUC)


There’s great significance of 'happiness education' in China. First, it’s the requirement of the country. The mission of Chinese educators is to educate people for the Party and the country. The Chinese Dream, to realize national prosperity, national rejuvenation, and people's happiness, vividly expresses the common ideal and present pursuit of all Chinese people. Secondly, it’s the need of the students. In China, the inertia of exam-oriented education and the deep-rooted theory of fractions still regard examination as the purpose, and education deviates from its original intention. Students become the vassals of knowledge, their personality is constantly disappearing, their dignity is disappearing, and their interpersonal relationships are alienated. At the same time, the pressure of teachers is increasing, job burnout is becoming more serious. Teachers' professional happiness is generally declining, and the happiness of school life is constantly losing in the campus. Thirdly, it’s the destination of education. The purpose of education is for human life, and the purpose of human life is happiness. As the famous educator Wushensky said, "The main purpose of education is to make students happy. It is beyond doubt that we cannot sacrifice this happiness for any irrelevant interests."[1] Education is forward-looking. It takes people ten years to grow trees successfully while one hundred years human beings. The realization of the Chinese dream of people's happiness begins with this step. The implementation and practice of happiness education for all, especially in all stages of education in the education system, is extremely urgent with great significance.


happiness, 'happiness education', significance, China


[1] Qin X. Learning Wei Shusheng's Educational Thought and Achieving a Happy Life for Preschool Teachers. Education Today (Kindergarten Education Journal). 2017; 06: 12-14.
[2] Gao H, Wang C. Implementing "Double Reduction": Heading Towards Happiness Education. Junior High School Student World. 2022; (32): 8-9.
[3] Bi Y., Zhang L. Implement "Double Reduction" to Allow Students to Enjoy Happiness Education. Educator. 2023; (33): 41.

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