The Significance and Approaches of Incorporating Life-Oriented Moral Education into Middle School Class Management

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2711

Danning Chen

Faculty of Environment and Resources, Guangxi Normal University


As an educational concept, life-oriented moral education has gained increasing prominence during the middle school phase. This paper endeavors to explore the significance and measures of integrating life-oriented moral education within middle school class management. To begin with, it presents the concept, characteristics of life-oriented moral education and its benefits to the all-round development of students. Subsequently, it deliberates on the methods and strategies for integrating life-oriented moral education into middle school class management, encompassing the transformation of teachers' roles, curriculum design, students' autonomous management and home-school collaboration. Finally, it summarizes and accentuates the significance and value of integrating life-oriented moral education into middle school class management, with the aim of providing feasible suggestions for the practice of life-oriented moral education and facilitating the comprehensive development of middle school students and the continuous enhancement of class management.


moral education, class management, middle school


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