Research on Enhancing the Ideological and Political Teaching Ability of Medical Educators in the Digital Age

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2708

Licong Wang1, Tianli Li2, Yu Wang1, Lijuan Yang1, Yue Wang1

1. Institute of Medical Education/Center for Teaching and Learning Development, Dalian Medical University
2. Modern Educational Technology Center, Dalian Medical University


This paper discusses that in the era of digital education, medical education presents new characteristics and teachers face many challenges. Medical teachers improve their teaching ability and education quality through ideological and political teaching practice. Firstly, the characteristics of medical education in digital environment are analyzed. Secondly, to explore the application value of ideological and political education in medical education. Finally, the specific ways to improve the ideological and political teaching ability of medical teachers, including teachers' self-improvement, innovation of teaching methods, utilization of digital teaching resources, and optimization of teaching evaluation mechanism. This paper aims to provide a research reference for medical teachers to improve the ability of curriculum ideological and political teaching in the digital age.


medical education, digital age, curriculum ideology and politics, teaching ability


The 2022 Higher Education Scientific Research Planning Project of the China Association of Higher Education (22JS0305),


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Copyright © 2024 Licong Wang, Tianli Li, Yu Wang, Lijuan Yang, Yue Wang

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