Exploration and Practice of an Emotionally Intelligent Management Model in a Private High School: Humanistic Care and Psychological Support at the Core

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2707

Beibei Li

Chaozhou Jishi Senior High School


In order to enhance the quality of teaching in private high schools and promote the comprehensive development of students, private high schools need to take into account the actual situation, build an emotionally intelligent management model, integrate humanistic care and psychological support in school management, and strengthen school cohesion and centripetal force. With the continuous development of digitalization, private high schools need to fully respect the emotional needs and psychological health of students and staff, and actively adopt non-digital, humanistic management strategies. Based on this, this paper first analyzes the current private high school management in the lack of emotional care, and then explains the theoretical basis of emotional intelligence management model, and puts forward specific construction strategies for reference.


private high school, emotionally intelligent management, humanistic care, psychological support, management innovation


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