The Functional Model Construction of a "Problem-oriented-distributed" Learning System

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2704

Tingqi Zhang

Heyuan Polytechnic


The traditional teaching mode of knowledge teaching ignores students' recognition of 'conditional situation of knowledge', and students acquire non-conditional knowledge. The application of "problem-oriented-distributed" learning mode is conducive to students' mastery of "conditional situation of knowledge," so as to better acquire conditional knowledge, and promote students' ability to identify, analyze and solve problems through tools and extensive collaboration. The functional model of the 'problem-oriented-distributed' learning system reveals its interrelated functional modules, which is helpful for the optimal design of the actual system and the best function of the system, and provides a basis for the development of the 'problem-oriented-distributed' learning system software.


problem-oriented-distributed, learning system, functional model


"Research on Digital Teaching Space Construction Based on School Enterprise Collaboration" of the Association of Fundamental Computing Education in Chinese Universities (Project No. 2024-AFCEC-372).


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