English Classroom in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: The Transformation and Reshaping of Teachers' Role

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2701

Chunmei Yuan, Xiuying Zheng, Guangfeng Li

Shanxi University


With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, the field of English education is undergoing profound changes. Artificial intelligence not only improves teaching efficiency, but also promotes the gradual transformation of teachers' role from knowledge transmitter to learning guide, data analyst and learning supporter. This transformation brings new challenges and opportunities. This paper discusses the application of artificial intelligence in English classroom, such as intelligent language learning platform, automatic evaluation system and virtual teaching assistant, and analyzes the influence of these technologies on the role of teachers. It also further puts forward the strategies of reshaping the role of teachers, such as teacher training and skill improvement, teaching design and implementation strategies, and the cooperative work of teachers and technology. Through specific case analysis, it shows how teachers can effectively combine artificial intelligence technology to optimize teaching practice, so as to achieve the improvement of teaching objectives.


artificial intelligence, English education, teachers’ role, transformation, technology collaboration


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Copyright © 2024 Chunmei Yuan, Xiuying Zheng, Guangfeng Li

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